Introduction to tutorials

The tutorials will try to introduce different aspects of SemiSpace, and how to use it.

You can decide yourself whether or not you want to download any sources. The tutorial is intended to be self contained, and the examples should be possible to followed by instruction alone.

Downloading the source code (optional)

If you want to follow the source more closely than the snippets offer, you can download the source code by checking it out with subversion from Choose a given tag or trunk.

You can also check out individual project parts with your favorite IDE.

Building the source code

Building the source code is quite straight forward with Maven2:

mvn clean install

You will need version 2.2.1, or later, of maven.

If you get a dependency error due to missing JAXB, you need to install JAXB as explained in the preliminaries chapter.

You can skip the test by using the dev profile:

mvn -Denv=dev clean install
# or in the regular maven way:
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Notice that the essential project is semispace-main - the rest is for your convenience. If you have problems compiling (typically because of missing jar libraries), you can try to comment out optional modules in the parent pom.

Failing comet tests

The comet tests need a running comet instance. This is most easily obtained by

  • compiling the complete project without any tests
  • check out semispace-comet in a separate directory
  • run the comet server with
    mvn jetty:run
  • run the tests in the source version that contain the complete project.

Terracotta for distribution

Many of the examples will use terracotta for distribution.

The following environmental variables are used in the tutorials:

export TC_INSTALL_DIR=/some/path/to/terracotta-3.X/

export TC_CONFIG_PATH="localhost:9510"
# or
export TC_CONFIG_PATH=/some/path/to/tc-config.xml

You use TC_CONFIG_PATH="localhost:9510" if you want the Terracotta server to give you the configuration during startup.