
This integration module ships ready to be installed and used.

Environment Configuration

If you decide to install from source you will have to build the project.

Curabitur nulla tellus, faucibus a, tincidunt at, mattis ac, massa. Curabitur vel lacus. Praesent aliquam. Donec tincidunt semper mi. Mauris ultrices, turpis vel porta facilisis, tortor enim venenatis augue, et gravida sapien risus non arcu. Vivamus rhoncus. Nam risus. Phasellus ut quam sit amet felis molestie bibendum. Nam metus. Quisque facilisis faucibus risus. Vestibulum enim mauris, accumsan a, porta et, pulvinar et, eros. Donec aliquet justo nec nunc. Integer id lacus imperdiet nunc feugiat interdum. Suspendisse potenti.

Terracotta's Maven Repository

At the time of this writing, the Terracotta Forge artifacts are not yet available from Maven's central repository.

So if you are going to use this artifact, and you haven't installed it yet in your local Maven repository, then you will need a way to tell your project where it can be found.

Terracotta's Maven repository URL is:

To tell Maven about this location, you can set the remoteRepositories property by including the following in the command line when you invoke Maven:


If your project has other Terracotta Artifact's as dependencies, you will have to add the following sections into your project's POM:
